Returning to school after the months off spent in the sun with family and friends is tough. Not only for teachers, but for students too. If you’ve experienced the summer scaries and believe you’re not ready to head back to your desk, don’t stress! WallPops has your back with our lucky seven tips for success to ace the start of the new academic year.


Who doesn’t think of “apple” when back-to-school season starts? Our first tip for students and educators is to incorporate healthy foods into your lunches and snacks to help keep your brain sharp and able to absorb all the new information you’ll learn this year! Check out this easy apple themed lunch for an appetizing inspiration.

B-ack to School Shopping

What better way to prepare for the school year than with a shopping spree? Ace the new school year in style not only with clothes, but with your lockers or dorms too! Our locker kits and NuWallpaper designs are the perfect DIY hack to instantly transform drab spaces to fab. And since our products are peel and stick, you can easily switch out designs for when your style changes too!

Check out our Pinterest for more dorm room inspo!


Waited to submit your applications or assignments last minute? Coffee is your girl! While you’re waiting for your syllabus to load or heading to class, don’t forget to snag a photo of your #PopMyFloor view featuring your favorite caffeinated beverage!

D-ecorate Your Study Space

Making your desk your own is an essential on our list because who wants to study in an uninspired space. Whether you choose one of our dry erase calendars or metal wall organizers, we have everything you need to transform your study nook into an organized dream! Check out our latest YouTube video to see how you can easily makeover your ordinary desk with adhesive film.

Shop all of our Dry-Erase essentials, here!

E-xpand Your Knowledge

Never stop learning! Enroll in seminars that interest you or actively schedule time for leisure reading. Knowledge is power, and to help juggle all of your required assignments, application deadlines, and reading lists, we have Our Favorite Planners 2019. Stay organized and never miss a deadline with the help of a planner, or even by using one of our organization kits!


Kick back and relax knowing you can take your friends away with you when you go to college. Using our fabulous frames wall decals, capture and cherish your favorite photos from summer in your dorm.

Shop the photo gallery kit here, and the Polaroid inspired frames here.


Talk about classroom goals! Jen did an amazing job transforming her ordinary kidney table into a dry-erase masterpiece. Now her students are free to scribble away during interactive learning lessons – without creating a mess!

Whether you have design or academic goals, WallPops is here to be your support and inspiration in pursuing them all! Explore our WallPops for Education program and Pop-Ositive Pinterest board to learn more.

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