Our annual Classroom Makeover Giveaway is back! Do you know a dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond for their students? Are you an…
With September right around the corner, it’s time to start planning for the new school year. Luckily enough, we have five fabulous kits that…
With the craze of the new school year, keeping your classroom organized can become a full time job. But do not fret! We’ve gathered…
With a popping yellow hue and fresh, fragrant smell, lemons seem to embody all that is sweet about summer, and designers are taking notice!…
Welcome your students back from summer with a bright and fun classroom door. From playful puns to charming jungle animals, these themes will spark…
Introducing our latest addition to our WallPops for Education program, Teacher Tuesdays! With back to school season in full swing, we’ve decided to dedicate…
Without a backsplash, a kitchen can look bare and unfinished. But due to the high cost of tile and labor or being stuck with…
It’s that wonderful time of year where bunnies, chicks, and pastels seem to be everywhere. Crocuses are on the verge of blooming and spring…
With unexpected snow storms and cold days still looming, spring has been on our minds a lot recently. Warmer temperatures, blooming tulips and longer…
If you haven’t already heard, we have some very exciting news! We’ve launched our newest product, FloorPops! A perfect addition to the WallPops family,…