If you are anything like us, then your desk is probably where you spend A LOT of time! While inspiration may strike at any moment, out getting coffee, drifting off to sleep in your bed, driving, or jogging through your neighborhood, your desk is most likely where that idea begins to flourish. We work, study, message our family and friends, browse the web, watch videos, SHOP and DREAM at our desks. This is a spot that should inspire you! If your desk is cluttered or bleak, it is a missed opportunity! Your work space should be well organized and engaging, giving you a sense of pride and motivation! At WallPops we are obsessed with a well appointed desk! We have a whole line of peel and stick dry-erase decals including calendars, message boards, maps and organization kits specifically designed for your office, home or dorm organization. Not only are these items super functional and helpful, they are also attractive and fun to work with! We have also seen our decals used in creative ways to add a splash of color and sass to ordinary items. Check out the video above and some of our favorite desk spaces below: