Our annual Classroom Makeover Giveaway is back! Do you know a dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond for their students? Are you an enthusiastic educator who is looking to revamp your classroom? Nominate them, or yourself, for the chance to win a classroom makeover by WallPops! With four lucky winners and over $500 in prizes, this giveaway is the perfect way to start the new school year. We’re beyond excited to continue our support for education and learning with this contest.

This week, we’re also hosting a mini-giveaway for teachers! Comment on this blog post what you love most about teaching, and we’ll randomly select one winner to send a $50 gift card to! This giveaway will be open for one week, running July 24 to July 31.

Check out these photos of WallPops in the classroom for inspiration!

Our dry erase dots add a perfect pop of color to this vibrant classroom, helping to make learning fun and functional!


Source: Porsha Sales

Learning geography has never been more fun! With our dry erase world maps, students can learn continents, states, and countries with ease.


Source: Erin Lucy

Our dry erase dots and message boards are great alternatives to traditional chalkboards! With less dust and clean up, these dry erase products are fantastic classroom solutions.

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  1. Reply

    DeAnna Heil

    July 25, 2018

    I love getting to know the kids- their likes, dislikes, what makes them excited, and what I can tease them with. Most people don’t like middle schooler, but I love their personalities and look forward to meeting each one of them!

  2. Reply

    Traci Owens

    July 26, 2018

    My joy for teaching is a priceless moment when I can help my SuperStars make connections with their learning. When a teacher and student can experience the “Learning Lughtbulb” in the classroom it creates a great teaching bond.

  3. Reply


    July 26, 2018

    I love the fact that every year is new and exciting. I always get to try new things, with new personalities. 🙂

  4. Reply


    July 26, 2018

    As a Special Education Teacher, my favorite part of teaching is watching my sweet students overcome every challenge that comes their way. They are incredible!

  5. Reply


    July 27, 2018

    One thing I love about teaching is seeing my kids succeed. I teach first and second grade, and when you have kids come to you in high school thanking you for all you did for them. And they are going to college. That’s why we do this job.

    • Reply


      July 31, 2018

      Hi Jennifer, thanks for entering, you’re our randomly selected winner! We’ll be emailing you with how to claim your $50 in WallPops, so make sure to check your spam folders just in case it ends up in there. We hope you enjoy for your classroom!

  6. Reply


    July 27, 2018

    I love watching my Special Education students overcome their everyday challenges, no matter how big or small!

  7. Reply

    Jessica Schmitz

    July 27, 2018

    I am a first year teacher, but I am so excited about getting to know my kids and learning about each and every one of them! I have loved getting to know students through my student teaching experience and being able to connect with them, figure out what motivates them, and make them excited about learning!!

  8. Reply

    Paula Streets

    July 27, 2018

    I like to provide my students with a comfortable and stimulating environment in which to learn and explore. I love watching their excitement as they grow and learn.

  9. Reply

    Gloria Wilson

    July 27, 2018

    I love how excited students get when they are learning and creating

  10. Reply

    Amber Ruemmele

    July 27, 2018

    My favorite part of teaching is helping students to realize their full potential. I enjoy building their confidence in their own abilities and supporting them as they make choices…wrong or right…

  11. Reply

    Courtney G

    July 28, 2018

    It’s hard to pin down what I love most about teaching. That said, helping kids unlock their potential and highlight their strengths never gets old!

  12. Reply


    July 28, 2018

    I love when the kids don’t want to stop reading our class novels. They’re upset when I won’t let them read ahead.

  13. Reply

    Amanda B.

    July 28, 2018

    While this will be my first year as the the teacher I have been a Para for 4 years and absolutely love the look on my kids’ faces when they have that “ah hah” moment, that all the activities and fun they were just doing and having they learned stuff and it wasn’t boring.

  14. Reply

    Cassie Peterson

    July 28, 2018

    The best part of going back to school is he excitement of it ALL. I love getting my classroom together, meeting the kids and their families, and trying all my new ideas from the summer.